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Season Two Blu Ray Commentary.

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Season Two Blu Ray Commentary. Empty Season Two Blu Ray Commentary.

Post  Renee Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:05 pm

Read it here..........

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Season Two Blu Ray Commentary. Empty Episode 1

Post  Renee Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:06 pm

i there folks, just a note that I will most likely be slow in getting these transcribed and posted but I will persevere . Hope you enjoy.

True Blood Season 2

Episode 1 Nothing But The Blood

Scene: Miss Janette’s body is found in Andy Bellefleur’s car.

Commentary: Fellowship of the Sun

This murder and mutilation was clearly the work of vampires. Only a creature without a heart could have the evil callousness it takes to desecrate a human body in such a way. This is another example of why vampires cannot assimilate into normal society. They are not and will never be civilized enough to walk among us as equals.

Commentary: AVL

To accuse the vampires of this heinous crime is nothing more than the worst scapegoat we’ve become accustomed to from the Fellowship of the Sun. Vampires have no inclination towards random acts of violence. They stand to gain nothing from torturing a human being. Furthermore, the removal of an organ can literally serve a vampire no purpose.

FYI: Hearts are often used as sacrificial offerings in supernatural cults.

Scene: Bill with Jessica

Commentary by Pam:

Sentimental vampires, and yes they do exist will tell you there is no more rewarding experience than being a maker. I tried it in 1906 just a year after being made myself. His name was Colin, he was a farm hand in Cornwall. I’ll admit it was a pleasant diversion at first, taking a boy in his sexual prime, immortalizing him, having command over his every move. But, the glow wore off as it always does, he wasn’t happy about it. But, whatever.

I can tell Bill Compton will always consider himself responsible for Jessica. It’s another thing for him to torture himself over.

Scene: Jason reading Theodore Newlin’s book.

Flash Forward to reveal how Jason interprets these readings: Jason confronts Luke and the others at the FOTS dorm after the staged vampire attack.

Scene: Tara being questioned by Bud, Kenya, and Andy.

Flash Back: Tara’s encounter with a naked Maryann and pig in the middle of the road causing her crash.

Scene: Lafayette in Eric’s basement dungeon.

Commentary by Pam:

We call this little contraption the carousel. It’s something Eric picked up during the inquisition. Fun times. It reminds me of those little wheels hamsters run on. It is the perfect contraption for imbeciles like Lafayette, he fancied himself so clever, never considered his entrepreneurial ways would catch up with him. What a moron. When will these humans learn that whatever semblance of a clever idea they have was thought up by us and perfected millennia ago.

Scene: Royce is brought into the dungeon

Flashback to how Lafayette and Royce know each other: Confrontation at Merlottes involving a hamburger deluxe….with AIDS.

Scene: Lettie Mae is confronted by Maryann outside the Sheriff’s office.

Commentary by Karl:

Lettie Mae has spread nothing but negativity since the day she was born. The destructive force field around her is so strong it’s a wonder Tara even survived. But Tara has such a special quality, the kind Maryann is so astute at detecting, the ability to dig into life and extract the marrow. With Maryann’s guidance I daresay Tara will one day be a force to be reckoned with herself.

Scene: Bill explains to Sookie how Jessica was made.

Flashback to why Jessica was made: Jessica is pulled out of the trunk at the tribunal.

Commentary by Pam:

I wonder how this personal ad would read. Genteel sugar daddy and low rank goody two shoes seek to adopt repressed, socially maladjusted Jesus freak. Heart warming wouldn’t you say?

Scene: Bill explains to Sookie why Jessica must remain with him and where she was earlier.

Commentary by Pam:

In case you were wondering this isn’t the work of a vampire. We don’t need to rip hearts out. It’s so show offy. If I had to guess, this was done by someone or something that needs to prove his power and worth. Overcompensation despite jaguar asshole.

Scene: Bill denies that he is hiding anything further from Sookie.

Flashback to what Bill is hiding: Bill dumping uncle Bartlett into the creek.

Scene: Steve Newlin and Nan Flannigan debate via satellite.

Commentary by Pam:

Steve Newlin likes to think he’s a threat in his dreams. Another thing, that clean cut pious act doesn’t fool us for a second. You just know the second he’s out of the spotlight he’s one kinky little freak. They always are.

Commentary by Steve Newlin:

My mission on this good earth has been as clear to me since I watched my first sunrise in Big Bend national park. My daddy, the late great Reverend Theodore Newlin took me to see the awesome power of the light in it’s purest form. When I was 8 years old and it was on that day that I knew I was called on to protect the sanctity of God’s light by defending against any and all things that threatened it and what could be more of a threat than the children of darkness….vampires.

Scene: Jason meets Steve and Sara Newlin.

Commentary by Steve Newlin:

Jason Stackhouse is a perfect candidate for the Fellowship of the Sun because he is so newly awakened to the powers of God’s light. While it is a shame he had to experience the evils of vampires in order to find the light, this path often makes for a more clear minded devout follower and I believe Jason will be tremendously devout and clear minded in his practice. Well, he will be tremendously devout in his practice.

Scene: Sam visits Maryann’s mansion.

Commentary by Karl:

Maryann always has such an array of colorful visitors. People are drawn to her like moths to a flame. Who else is basically given carte blanche by a town sheriff, receives callers bearing cash gifts, takes in a house guest who just weeks ago held a death wish and now feels hope for the first time. Indeed, Maryann is an extremely special woman.

Scene: Sam holds Maryann’s statue

Hint: This statue is a symbolic representation of the very thing Maryann is seeking. Which ultimately explains her visit to Bon Temps.

Scene: Sid Matt Lancaster tells Sookie of her Uncle Bartlett’s death.

Flashback: Sookie telling Bill about uncle Bartlett hand her molestation at his hands.

Hint: Sookie begins to question whether Bill could have murdered her uncle.

Scene: Maryann tells Eggs and Tara about the sculpture of Pan at her pool.

FYI: In Greek mythology, Pan is the god of shepherds, hunting and music. With the legs and horns of a goat he was capable of arousing inspiration, sexuality, and panic.

Scene: Hoyt and Jason reminisce about Rene.

Flashback to Jason’s encounter with the Fellowship of the Sun: Jason is approached as he sits in his jail cell after Amy’s murder.

Commentary: Fellowship of the Sun

The Fellowship of the Sun does not believe in spreading hate. Our singular goal is to do the exact opposite, root hate out once and for all. That is why our mission is to eradicate the very origin of hate, Satan and his children, vampires. We hope to free the human race from the ungodly hatred that is vampire.

Commentary by Hoyt:

I’m worried about Jason and the Fellowship of the Sun. I’ve known Jason a long time, the only things he’s ever inspired about are sex and football. To see him so riled up about this leadership conference it reminds me how I felt about joining the Junior Ranger Scouts. I don’t really want to go into what happened, a bad memory involving a rapid loss of body hair, but it made me realize that any club no matter how high minded its purpose is can turn into a breeding ground for hate.

Scene: Maryann with young Sam in bed

Hint: Maryann’s pose resembles the statue in her living room.

Scene: Arlene introduces Sam to Daphne.

FYI: In Greek mythology, Daphne was a nymph who was pursued by Apollo and transformed into a laurel bush.

Scene: Royce and Lafayette talk in the dungeon, Royce relates his story about his cousin and his beer can crushing girlfriend.

Hint: This story could save Lafayette’s life.

Scene: Hoyt and Jason at Merlottes after “I don’t teach, I absorb” girl leaves.

Commentary by Hoyt:

Jason and me, we come from two very different camps when it comes to women. He sort of gets what he wants when he wants. Always has which means it ain’t so special to him. But me, I like to take my time, take in all the good stuff like getting to know a girl like what gives her the belly laughs or sitting together being quiet for a minute without it being awkward. Anyway, hitting it doesn’t really let you do any of that. Not in my experience anyway.

Scene: Jason and Sookie talk about the leadership conference.

Commentary by Hoyt:

Jay and I have been friends since about the third grade, although it was his second time doing the third grade, but it was my first. Anyway, he’s a good buddy though we don’t have much in common actually when you think about it. But something about the way he’s so comfortable with himself, like when he says the totally wrong thing and he doesn’t blink. That kind of confidence is contagious….. I hope.

Scene: Bill and Jessica search for the right True Blood type blend.

Commentary by Pam:

True Blood is an acquired taste, or so I’ve heard. Takes some trial and error to find out which flavor suits you. I imagine a little bit like dieting humans with their meal replacement drinks. Chocolate, banana, strawberry shortcake, just fancy names for what it really is, a substitute for real food.

Scene: Sookie and Sam speak in the parking lot.

Commentary by Karl:

Have you ever heard the expression Saturn’s Return? It’s an astrological phenomenon where the planet Saturn forces one to face tier unexamined life. Maryann is a bit like Saturn, she enters your life and then suddenly nothing looks the same. Sam is clearly feeling the effects, and well, it can be quite difficult. I’ve been there myself, but the rewards far outweigh the initial costs. My advice to Sam would be to take the journey. Surrender, because quite frankly he doesn’t really have a choice.

Scene: A drunk Andy gets sarcastic with square dancing champ Bud.

Commentary by Hoyt:

Before this Andy hadn’t had a drink in nearly 9 years. I know it’s been about that long because the last time I saw him was at a homecoming after party in 2 000. A bunch of us were out at the gorge having a good time when Andy came around in the squad car to clear us out, he was in uniform back then. Well, Sherry Lynn Harmon offered him a beer and he didn’t say no for 3 weeks straight. That’s when Bud told him it was AA meetings or his badge. His choice. Hope it don’t get to that place this time around.

Scene: Sam tries to repay Maryann the money he stole.

Commentary by Karl:

Maryann has never wanted for money, it just seems to find her. But, quite frankly she could care less. She’s of a certain mindset the less one is consumed by the accumulation of material wealth the more one enjoys the natural resources of life whether it be love, laughter, or wildness. Then the universe will provide the rest and the universe continues to provide her with abundance.

Scene: Sookie asks Jessica for alone time with Bill.

Flash forward: Confrontation at the Hamby home.

Scene: Sookie demands to know if Bill had any part of uncle Bartlett’s death.

Flash back: Bill dumps Bartlett’s body.

Commentary by Pam:

Bill and Sookie are about as solid as an iceberg in Louisiana heat wave. No matter how human Bill likes to think he is, his vampire nature will always win out. Back in the 60’s during the summer of love I thought I’d found my soul mate. Let’s just say the thrill of meaningful sex didn’t last long and neither did he. Now I view humans exactly as I should, as pets…….and food.

Scene: Bill admits his love for Sookie “You are my miracle…”

Commentary by Hoyt:

This is a little embarrassing, but I think if I could have anybody’s relationship it would be Sookie’s and Bill’s. I mean you can tell by the way they look at each other that they can’t live apart and that’s love man. I know they got their problems but the seem like quality problems if you ask me.

Scene: Eric takes out the trash…..and Royce.

Flash back to how Royce got in this situation: The burning of Malcom, Liam’s and Diane’s nest.

Scene: Royce takes silver to Eric’s face.

Commentary by Pam:

(Laughing) A silver cross, seriously. Eric Northman is a 1000 year old vampire that means he was 6 foot 5 in the year 1000AD. What kind of inbred moron do you have to be to think a dinky piece of silver could bring down a force of nature such as that? Sadly he’s the kind of man that seems to grow on trees in Bon Temps.

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Season Two Blu Ray Commentary. Empty Episode 2

Post  Renee Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:08 pm

Episode 2

Keep This Party Going

Scene: Eric releases Lafayette to question him.

Hint: These body parts could be of use to Lafayette.

Scene: Bill and Sookie talking in bed after makeup sex.

FYI: Bill’s bedroom furnishings are a mix of civil war era pieces and family heirlooms collected by the Comptons who have lived in this home for centuries.

Commentary by Pam:

I don’t understand all the fuss Bill makes about being turned. That spring evening in 1905 that Eric offered to make me a vampire was nothing short of glorious. Truth be told, I never got a real taste of life till I was dead.

Scene: Eric, Pam and Lafayette in Eric’s office as Pam tries to fix the damage to Eric’s hair.

Flashback: Lafayette working on his website.

Commentary by Pam:

Getting Eric to change his hair is like trying to make a fish speak French, frustrating at the very least. I’d been bothering him for decades to update his Fabio lite look but my plans for a whole new Eric were, shall we say, foiled after he got himself drenched in the innards of that imbecile. I guess this new do will suffice for now.

Scene: Luke and Jason meet on the bus to the Fellowship of the Sun leadership conference.

Commentary by Steve Newlin:

Luke McDonald, an all American boy with a good heart, good mind, and a good sense of devotion to a higher purpose. Back at school he could catch a football and dated a sweet little cheerleader. But, let’s face it, his life was never truly remarkable until he heard the call to serve the human race by eliminating evil lurking in the hideous, bloodsucking form of the vampire.

Scene: Tara and Eggs in the garden at Maryann’s mansion.

Commentary by Karl:

Benedict Talley, or Eggs, was a troubled young man looking for purpose and who better to rescue him than Maryann. She swept him up from the depths of despair and gave him food, shelter, a guitar in his hand and hope in his heart. I’m quite pleased anytime Maryann finds anyone with such potential and if I do say so myself he’s possibly, possibly the most polite houseguest we’ve ever had.

Scene: Sookie watches television and sees Jessica’s parents plea for her return.

Flashback: The night Jessica was taken from her family. Jessica pleads with the magister for her release.

Commentary by Hoyt:

I sure know that Sookie and Jason’s Gran was just about the kindest woman there ever was. When you’d talk to her it felt like anything in your life that was missing was suddenly found. You were all filled up and not just with her tipsy cake. I sure do miss her and I know Jason does too even though he doesn’t talk about it much.

Scene: Sarah Newlin speaks as the honesty rings are being passed out.

Commentary by Steve Newlin:

I was working over at the VA hospital over in Opalasis (Canadian, unsure of the community and spelling) where I was volunteering as a chaplain trying to bring the holy word to those in need when I swear I saw an angel walk right by me, my sweet Sarah. Peas and carrots, peanut butter and jelly, Oreos and milk…all those silly clichés don’t even come close to the holy bond my wife and I share. That’s because it’s rooted in the single most important thing in life, honesty. And we decided to bring that honesty to the Light of Day leadership conference so that it would protect each one of our members just as it protects us every single God given day. Oh, I love her.

Scene: Maryann visits Merlottes and orders lunch.

Commentary by Karl:

When it comes to Maryann and food I can think of only one word for her, insatiable. The finest fruits, the most delectable desserts. Nothing is too good, too rich or too much for Maryann. And that’s just the way I like it.

Scene: The flag football game at the Light of Day conference.

Commentary by Steve Newlin:

The Light of Day leadership conference was the brain child of my father who knew that the future belonged to our youth. And what better way to prepare them for the impending holy war than to bring out their natural strengths, pinpoint their weaknesses and train it right out of them in the name of the Lord. You gotta get them while they’re young and lost and looking for a way out of the darkness. These are the souls that are crying out for discipline and commitment and a sense of belonging to something larger than themselves and there’s no better example than Jason Stackhouse.

Scene: Lafayette remembering that Royce had a metal hip and retrieves the spike.

Commentary by Pam:

I’ll hand it to Lafayette, when the going gets tough he can be quite creative but the begging is unseemly.

Scene: Sookie asks Tara to move in with her.

Commentary by Karl:

In my experience, females living together never amounts to anything but trouble with a capital T. And, no doubt, if Tara left us it wouldn’t’ be too long before she found herself begging to return. After all, very few can resist Maryann.

Scene: Tara introduces Sookie to Maryann.

Hint: What does Maryanne see that is so special about Sookie?

Hint: Maryann’s thoughts are not in English. What language are they in?

Scene: Lafayette tries to escape, Ginger shoots him.

Commentary by Pam:

Ginger is loyal, like a dog that yaps away in the night and day apparently. I suppose she’s useful enough, dumb as a sack of wet hair and looks like her parents were first cousins but nevertheless when we want something done, Ginger does it or at least she attempts to.

Scene: Amanda Jane sings ‘Jesus Asked Me Out Today’ to the cadets at the Light of Day leadership conference.

Commentary by Steve Newlin:

Sugar and spice and everything nice, that’s our own Amanda Jane. Well she may look like one of them Brittany, Christina, Paris pop tarts but this gal is genuine pure gold. Now, I don’t care much for her type of music, I’m a Kenny Rogers fan myself, but the kids lover her and I say it’s high time this little peaches and cream rose to the top. Any way to get God’s holy word out.

Scene: Steve speaks to the group after Amanda Jane’s song.

Fellowship of the Sun:

The Fellowship of the Sun’s Light of Day leadership conference, the brain child of the dearly departed Theodore Newlin was designed to help young men and women become formidable forces against the evil that vampires bring into the world.

Give the Fellowship a wayward soul and in three weeks we’ll show you a soldier of the sun, armed with the power of the lord God and an inextinguishable light in his or her heart.

Scene: Jessica cries and she tells Sookie how she misses her family.

Commentary by Pam:

Why shed tears over a boring existence full of disappointments, wrinkles and mediocrity. I never once cried over my dreadfully boring human life. Then again, I never cried….period. Smears your makeup, makes you look desperate.

Scene: Bill shopping for clothing for Jessica.

Commentary by Pam:

The last thing that sad little vampire Jessica needs is Bill running around trying to make fashion decisions on her behalf. She’d be better off sneaking back into that house of hers and borrowing one of her others sad bargain basement ensembles or something from her rude little sister’s closet. But no, instead she has Bill Compton hoping to find dresses that will make her look like she’s ready to guest star on Little House on the Prairie. Sure, for himself he looks presentable enough, but that took him what? A good 70 years at least.

Scene: Jason and Sarah role playing - the vampire sympathizer and the soldier of the sun.

Commentary by Steve Newlin:

Every night after Sarah and I have said our prayers and I’ve put on my moisturizer, we like to act out a few leadership improvs about the many faces of evil vampires can take in our daily lives. It keeps us focused on our goal to use our holy union to help eliminate all that is decidedly unholy about vampires. Sarah and I can get a little heated but it’s just part of the fun. Now, come to think of it, Jason was so powerful and passionate about his role playing, it might help develop the skills if he and I tried to act it out sometime.

Scene: Terry and Arlene talk about Terry needing a break….. “Give me your tongs!”

Hint: As a waitress Daphne often looks like a deer caught in the headlights.

Scene: Daphne picks up food at the pass while Arlene makes Terry rest.

Commentary by Hoyt:

Now I ain’t never been a waiter myself, momma never let me take a job with night hours because she needed me at home. And, I don’t like talking about anyone, especially someone real pretty and super sweet like Daphne. But, if you’re ever at Merlottes and she’s your waitress, get ready to be hungry and real, real thirsty ‘cause if turtles ever had a race to see who was like the slowest turtle ever….she’d be the winner or the loser. I’m not sure how that is.

Scene: Maryann begins to dance at Merlottes.

Commentary by Karl:

Frankly, Merlottes never appealed to me. It’s dark, loud, the music’s extremely unsophisticated and everything smells like hot grease. And if I ever do have the opportunity to enjoy a meal, I’d much rather do it poolside than under a dead stuffed gator head. Then again, I don’t recall the last time I did sit down to enjoy a meal. Maryann has me quite busy. I’m sure you know.

Scene: Eric and Bill talk at the mall about needing Sookie’s services.

Flashback: Sookie’s deal with Eric to help him whenever he wants.

Scene: Sookie and Jessica sit in Sookie’s car outside the Hamby home.

Commentary by Steve Newlin:

Jessica Hamby was a decent, god fearing child of light, plucked from the prime of her life. Savagely drained against her will and brought into the unholiest of worlds. I pray for Jessica’s soul, I pray for her family, I pray for all of us. If a delicate flower, a decent Christian and dutiful daughter like Jessica can be taken from us, what is to stop those evil doers from reaching into your homes and back yards to make meals out of your children?

FYI: Vampires must be invited in before entering someone’s home.

Scene: Jane Bodehouse hit’s on Eggs at Merlottes.

Commentary by Hoyt:

All I ever knew about Jane Bodehouse is that she likes to drink, a lot. And, anytime I seen her around town, she kinda had this sad sweet look in her eye like she lost something but she ain’t given up looking for it yet. Maybe she’ll never give up looking. She ain’t seen her husband since he went on a fishing trip about 10 years back and I know her son Marvin’s real embarrassed by her getting drunk at Merlottes and hitting on loser guys. But, Jane’s always been real sweet to me, which is more than I can say about my momma.

Scene: Everyone dancing and partying at Merlottes.

Hint: Note Jane’s black eyes, have we seen those before?

Scene: Maryann forces Sam’s shift in his office.

Hint: Shape shifting is a common theme in Greek mythology.

Scene: Sookie speaks heatedly to Jessica inside the Hamby household.

Commentary by Pam:

Why for the life of all that is evil and unholy, would I have wanted to return to my family once I was made vampire? Eric gave me the ultimate gift, I took it and ran as fast as I could away from that dreadful excuse of a life. Daddy was a businessman and momma raised me to be a proper lady (laughs) lot of good that did. It didn’t take me long to realize I was living in an impossibly small world with even smaller men lining up to court me. With Eric, my world was split wide open, he likes to sneer that my legs were too. Momma and daddy would find that talk unpleasant…..but they’re dead.

Scene: Lafayette lies injured on Eric’s couch in the office with Eric, Pam and Chow.

Commentary by Pam:

Lafayette may be human but he’s right about one thing, he would make a fantastic vampire. His dancing may do nothing for me but I know plenty of desperate, sadly closeted middle aged accountants who would pay good money to see him shake his thing. I say, if he can bring us more money, then why the hell not? But Eric’s never been trigger shy when it comes to turning virile humans but he’s holding off on our making Lafayette one of us. Im sure he has his reasons……….he always does.

Scene: Jessica and her father argue, he hints that she allowed herself to be made vampire.

Commentary by Pam:

Jessica is what we would call a very unhappy accident. The magister knows how to hit a vampire right where it hurts. So when Bill killed Long Shadow we knew his punishment would be, shall we say, thorough. Nothing would cut right to Bill Compton’s tragic tortured core more than to make a vampire. And, in my experience, good little Christian girls doing naughty little things at night is a no brainer. Throw a rock in any town and you’ll find some plaid skirted upstart doing the dirty deed in a dark corner or sneaking out to some lame kegger. So, the magister’s henchmen threw a rock and voila, Miss Jessica Hamby.

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Season Two Blu Ray Commentary. Empty Episode 3

Post  Renee Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:09 pm


Scene: Bill and Sookie argue in her car after leaving the Hamby home.

Commentary by Pam:

Bill had very little choice in this matter. He couldn’t kill the entire Hamby clan, too risky. He definitely didn’t want to turn them and have three more of these freaks on his hands for eternity, so he glamored them…………. heavily. Which means they’re now even more brain dead than they were before.

Scene: Sookie sees a creature after leaving the car.

Hint: Take note of the claws and horns.

Scene: Sookie seizures after taking Bill’s blood in an attempt to heal her injuries.

Hint: Something seems to be preventing Bill’s blood from healing Sookie.

Scene: Daphne tells Sam her tickets are short.

Commentary by Hoyt:

I’ve never seen Sam put up with such bad waitressing before. Yesterday Daphne served me nachos that were ice cold, literally there were ice chips floating in it. Maybe he’s turning a blind eye because he’s stressed out about something. He’s been looking a little jumpy and pale lately, sometimes it seems like that guy carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. I swear.

Scene: Dr. Ludwig examines Sookie.

Commentary by Pam:

Dr. Patricia Ludwig, an actual M.D., a real trail blazer in her field I’m told. All I know is she usually gets the job done. She’s not known for her bedside manner but she does appreciate the challenge of diagnosis when something supernatural is involved. But such loyalty does not come cheap. She charges and arm and leg and I don’t mean that figuratively.

Scene: Bill and Eric discuss what attacked Sookie.

Commentary by Pam:

Wouldn’t you know it, everyone and everything wants a piece of Sookie Stackhouse. Leave it to her to be attacked by something that Bill’s blood can’t fix and it’s almost unheard of for something to be out there that Eric can’t instantly identify. Yes, that girl brings everyone out to play.

Scene: Dr. Ludwig treats Sookie’s wounds as she screams.

FYI: The medicine Dr. Ludwig uses is a secret antidote to certain kinds of supernatural poison. Considering she doesn’t know what kind of creature attacked Sookie she gets lucky that her antidote works.

Scene: Dr. Ludwig removes something from Sookie’s wounds.

FYI: Dr. Ludwig pulls a claw fragment out of the wounds in Sookie’s back.

Scene: Jason prays after having a nightmare at the LOD Institute barracks.

Commentary by Steve Newlin:

Doubting what is right and wrong is a very important part of the process. My father taught me an invaluable lesson before he was murdered. When a disciple is questioning his own faith, that is the most important moment for a leader such as myself to seize because only I can explain to Jason that his doubt is the function of darkness. Think about it, when someone is confused they say they’re in the dark, when someone has gained clarity they say they’ve seen the light. Therefore, if doubt is darkness then it is a function of evil. The more doubt one feels and the more I can point that out, the closer to the light they will eventually come.

Scene: Eric offers his blood to heal Sookie.

Commentary by Pam:

It’s not a secret that everyone finds Sookie interesting. Eric is no exception despite what he may say. So it’s not wonder Eric wants Sookie to drink his blood, it would bond them in a variety of ways. Eric would sense her feelings, know where she roams and Sookie would be more drawn to Eric. But let’s not kid ourselves even more important to Eric is the fact that if Sookie drank his blood it would really piss Bill off.

Scene: Mary Ann tastes the concoction Karl is brewing.

Commentary by Karl:

My culinary skills really have flourished with Mary Ann. I, of course, was always a decent chef but had not nearly the breadth of knowledge that Mary Ann has acquired over the years of travel She mixes all the great herbs and spices of the world in a truly unique way and the more recent the ingredients have come from the ground, or off the vine, off the bone, the better. Oh and a very important detail, Bon Temps is not exactly a culinary Mecca so frequent trips the Shreveport and constant trawling of online sources are necessary, but it’s well worth it.

Scene: Tara and Mary Ann discuss Sam over coffee and marijuana.

Commentary by Karl:

Much like her food Mary Ann demands the best quality cannabis. It too is easily grown, so in the autumn we have it shipped in from Oregon, in the summer from a small farm in Bahia and a friend in Jamaica supplies us in the spring and winter.

Scene: The LOD recruits share in a sharing circle, Jason refuses.

Commentary, Fellowship of the Sun:

Sharing stories of one’s life is one of the most important components of the leadership conference. We must understand that as children of God we’re predisposed to seeing good in the world. It’s our nature to be thankful rather than critical, hopeful rather than suspicious. But there is darkness on the earth and as we navigate our way through it we must take care not to blind ourselves to it with the very light that leads our way.

Scene: Sara stops Jason from leaving the conference.

Commentary by Steve Newlin:

A gentle kind soul, my wife is. Empathy, that’s what sets her apart from the rest. I know the words that need to be said, which service comes after the next, how to speak to make people see the truth but she goes on an emotional journey with every last soul we bring to our flock and someone, like Jason who isn’t very good with words and ideas, he needs that. Sometimes I wish I had Sara’s gift, not that often but every now and then.

Scene: Sara talks with Jason about Amy and Gran’s murder.

Flash Forward: How Jason will try to protect ‘his’ family. ~ Jason confronts Steve in the chapel with a paint gun to save Sookie.

Scene: Sookie wakes at Fangtasia and talks with Ginger.

FYI: Fangtasia is open for business from sundown until roughly one half hour before sunrise. Ginger can be found at Fangtasia during most daylight hours. There are a few coffins in the back room as a precaution but most vampires return to their homes or nests for rest.

Scene: Sookie finds Lafayette in the basement.

FYI: Lafayette has outlasted all the other prisoners he started with in the basement. Some of them met Royce’s fate, others were let go under specific conditions.

Scene: Eggs plays the guitar for Mary Ann’s guests.

Commentary by Karl:

Mary Ann is drawn to people with raw talent, people who never quite fulfill their potential, diamonds in the rough, if you will. It’s part of her intuitive nature and her gift for helping people unblock themselves, well it’s marvelous, I liken it to her moving pebbles in a stream of creative energy which is why Eggs has really been growing as a guitarist of late.

Scene: Tara talks with Eggs.

Flashback: How Lettie Mae’s drinking affects Tara ~Lettie Mae attacks Tara after she returns home after spending the night with Sam.

Scene: Sookie tells Bill about Lafayette in Eric’s basement.

Flashback: Lafayette’s transgression ~ Lafayette trading sexual favors with Eddie for his blood.

Scene: Sam leaves a message for Tara

Commentary by Hoyt:

I got a whiff of something about Sam and Tara being involved for awhile. It makes sense, they both spend so much time at the bar and neither of them get into relationships so easy with other people. I don’t know, wonder who had the upper hand in that one. Whatever, doesn’t matter ‘cause Tara’s with Eggs and Sam will always hold a torch for Sookie, hard as he tries to move on.

Scene: Jessica wakes in Bill’s hidey hole.

FYI: Bill has yet to arrange permanent sleeping quarters for himself. Until he does, he will sleep in the ground, though this is not a long term solution.

Scene: Jessica walks into Merlotts and Hoyt sees her for the first time.

Commentary by Hoyt:

You know when you’re on a roller coaster and you’re heading up the hill and it sort of starts to slow down as you get near the top and the waiting is so intense you think your head’s gonna shoot off into space. That’s how I felt when I first laid my eyes on Jessica and then when she smiled well that felt like going down that hill at 120mph and I mean that in a good way. The best!

Scene: Sookie bargains with Eric for Lafayette’s freedom.

Hint: The vampire in Dallas seems strangely important to Eric.

Scene: Eric Speaks to Lafayette before releasing him.

Flash forward: When Eric sees Lafayette again ~ at Lafayette’s house.

Scene: Karl dishes out the weird concoction at Mary Ann’s party.

Commentary by Karl:

This soup is a recipe that dates back to ancient times. The Romans served it at various festivals and rituals. It’s actually best served cold, it’s perfect for a summer treat and the alchemy of the ingredients really stir the blood up. It seems everyone is in the mood for earthly pleasures after partaking of this soup.

Scene: Andy finds the pig in the playhouse at Mary Ann’s party.

Flash forward: Andy’s next encounter with the pig ~He sees the pig and a collie in the road.

Scene: Andy looks for and cannot find the pig.

Commentary by Karl:

Mary Ann has a symbiotic relationship with nature and wildlife. Four legged animals come and go in Mary Ann’s world with regularity because we are, after all, surrounded by nature in Bon Temps. Our little pig takes journeys when she sees fit but she always returns, all of our many friends always come back to Mary Ann.

Scene: Steve and Jason share a meal.

Commentary by Steve Newlin:

Jason’s potential was clear from the moment we met, but to see how he’s flourished since being here, his physical prowess, his sheer determination, his spiritual growth. Sara and I both knew we’d found a true leader, a man among boys. That’s why he was invited into our home, why we served him pudding and why he will make a great soldier.

Scene: Steve talks to Jason about his father.

Flashback: The television announcement of Rev. Theodore Newlin and his family’s death in a freak automobile accident.

Scene: Steve explains why he needs to avenge his father’s death.

Commentary by Steve Newlin:

My daddy always had a clear mission during his short time on earth, to protect the human race from the faces of evil. But, he ran into speed bumps because he believed wholeheartedly that traces of God could be found among the most evil doing of people, such as drug dealers, embezzlers, even homosexuals. But, when vampires came out of the coffin it was clear there was no hint of God in these weapons of Satan. My daddy’s mission became much easier after that point and it’s why he became such a trailblazer in his field.

Scene: Steve and Jason enjoy Sara’s pudding.

Flash Forward: Reveals just how special Sara thinks Jason in ~ their ‘special’ time in the church sanctuary.

Scene: Jessica brings Hoyt to Bill’s house.

Commentary by Hoyt:

She’s pretty great, just out of the gate great. If it’s easy to have fun with her on any old night at Merlottes, think how great it could be when I plan an actual date like a midnight picnic or something. I hope vampire Bill will be cool with that. By the way, his house is pretty cool, it’s got character like a wise house. Just like the man or the vampire, wise with character.

Scene: Jessica is embarrassed by her fangs.

Commentary by Pam:

Unlike human males who spend their lives scared that their appetites will betray them in the form of a bulge in their pants. Any vampire worth his or her salt doesn’t fear the reveal of their fangs. Why should we? Our appetites are not a source of shame for us. If Bill were a decent maker he would have told this hysterical infant that her power resides in what she wants and her unlimited ability to get it.

Scene: Hoyt tells Jessica he likes her.

Commentary by Hoyt:

I don’t think I have the words to explain why I like Jessica so much. The way she’s so real and then otherworldly at the same time, and by otherworldly I don’t mean vampire, I mean her soul. Her being a vampire don’t mean much other than how it affects our schedules. I’m sure that my momma will think that it means everything, that I like Jess just because she’s exactly the opposite of what my momma wants me to like. But that ain’t it, it just ain’t.

Scene: Sookie and Bill talk in the car after bringing Lafayette home.

Commentary by Pam:

What is this obsession humans have with good and evil? Such a young mentality, trust me, if you stay alive for more than a hundred hears, the line between those two reveals itself to be very manufactured. Deep down Bill knows this, but he’s so attached to his identity as a good boy that it’s sickening.

Scene: Bill and Sookie in the car.

FYI: Sookie’s telepathy renders her impervious to glamoring. Though it is not entirely understood why this is so, it is a phenomenon common among all telepaths.

Scene: Jane Bodehouse and Mike Spencer being intimate while sporting black eyes.

Commentary by Karl:

It’s rather a common occurrence for friends of Mary Ann’s to experience a dilation of the pupils. We associate mydriasis in this culture with drug use but it’s a naturally occurring phenomenon associated with emotional arousal. In fact, women intentionally dilated their pupils in medieval Italy as part of the courting process because it suggested a heightened sexual interest.

Maryann’s influence is like a drug in that regard, the people feel naturally aroused in her presence and therefore the eyes. I myself am immune, due to a freak incident that I was victim to as a child. It’s not something I care to discuss.


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Join date : 2011-01-09
Age : 60
Location : Newfoundland, Canada

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