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Season Seven Epi Nine Love is to Die

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Season Seven Epi Nine Love is to Die Empty Season Seven Epi Nine Love is to Die

Post  Aslinn Dhan Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:39 pm

The episode begins with the gang in the basement of Fangtasia trying to make sense of Bill's refusal to drink the cure for Hep V. Sookie and Jessica are both pretty pissed and Sookie slaps him a couple of times and Bill refuses to say why he won't drink the blood. Jessica then asks Bill to release her and he does and they all decamp from the basement.

The next scene is Sookie and Jessica going to Sam's house and finding a note from Sam to Sookie. He tells her that he has thought about what Nichole said and he says that though Nichole says that the town is crazy, he would rather think of it as resilient and he wants to be with Nichole to help her and be with his daughter and they are moving to Chicago and she should come and visit and that he loves her.

Sookie then goes to the BBG and Arlene and Holly and the gang are setting up the bar. She tells Sookie that though the crowd is not coming back yet to the BBG that is will only come back if they are there so they are going to be there until the town comes back. Sookie gives Andy the letter Sam left for Andy and though she thinks it will be sentimental, Sam just writes that he resigns from being the mayor of Bon Temps.

Eric goes to see Bill and he tells him that Hep V does make you depressed and he was like him when he was sick, very fatalistic but that he should reconsider. Bill tells Eric that he is doing this for Sookie because so long he is on the earth, Sookie will be drawn to his darkness just as they are drawn to her light. He asks Eric to chat with Sookie and ask her to let him come to talk to her and explain why he made this decision. Eric agrees.

Hoyt and his girlfriend Brigette are having an argument at Hoyt's mom's house and she tells him that she senses that he cares about Jessica and he tells her that he doesn't know Jessica but he did know Jessica's maker and he liked him, he was the first vampire he ever met and he heard that Bill was sick and he went to the clinic to get a blood test and then draw a pint of healthy blood. Just then, Jessica shows up and Brigette tells Hoyt that if he goes outside to talk to Jessica that it is over between them. He does go out to see Jessica and she confesses that they used to be together that she wiped his memories of her and Jason and that is why she knows him but he doesn't know her. Brigette calls Jason to come and get her because he is the only person she knows.

Sookie talks to Arlene. I guess after all the death and the possibility of her own death, she has gained some perspective that Sookie should just understand how she feels about Bill and not deny it and try to understand what he is going through and be strong. Then they talk a little about the fact she is really attached to Kevin and how that is a real turn around for Arlene.

Sarah Newlin is taken upstairs by the yakusa so Pam can make her blond again. Pam tells her that her straight up cure will be worth millions to the vampires who want the real deal and not just the maintenance of NuBlood and if Sarah plays her cards right, she will be the most well paid trollop in history. Sarah is not happy about that.

Jason goes to Hoyt's mom's house and he gets cold cocked by Hoyt and Brigette gets him in the cruiser and she drives him away. When they get to Brigette's house he finagles her a flight back to Alaska but before she goes, Jason tells her all about the thing with Jessica. He tells her about how when Jessica and Hoyt met it was true love and Jason fucked it up because he slept with Jessica and then he asked Jessica to glamour him so he would not remember her or Jason and she did as he asked. While he is tells Brigette this, Hoyt and Jessica are reuniting.

Eric goes to see Sookie at BBG and he tells her about Bill and asks her if Bill can come and talk to her. Sookie says she is pretty amazed he cares. Eric says he cares about a few vampires and he cares about her. He flies Sookie home and she invites him in but he says he has to go. Sookie goes inside to a ringing phone and it is Bill she agrees to see Bill and he heads her way.

Eric arrives back at Fangtasia and is greeted by a pissed off Ginger that he did not let her know he was well and he says he has been trying to sort out other people's relationships and then he turns around says he will make it up to her by fucking her. Ginger is ecstatic. This is her dream come true...He asks her where she always imagined it and she said she always wanted to do him on the throne. So he takes her hand and leads her up onto the stage and gives her a twirl then he sits on the throne and he asks her what happened next and she said she straddles him and she does and he grabs her and bites her and she squirms around on him and he tears her bloomers off and she rides around him and has a shrieking orgasm and goes into an exhausted faint and slides down his legs and Eric is somewhat confused as she did not even get to take him out and get it in he leans down and asks her if she is okay and she is in happy happy fang banger land and she settles in to sleep. Eric smooths his hair and straightens his shirt and wishes her good night and goes to find Pam. He looks everywhere for her and finds her in the basement being held with silver with a huge stake hanging over her and Gus asks about Sookie and whether or not she knows about Sarah and he has to confess that she does to save Pam's life.

Bill arrives at Sookie's door and knocks....
Aslinn Dhan
Aslinn Dhan

Posts : 2591
Join date : 2011-01-09
Age : 56
Location : Harrow, England

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Season Seven Epi Nine Love is to Die Empty Re: Season Seven Epi Nine Love is to Die

Post  Aslinn Dhan Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:59 pm

So this episode tied up some loose ends. Jessica and James cleared things up, Bill released Jessica and Jessica went to get Hoyt back.

Sam and his lady is off to Chicago...One word of advice to Sam....exercise your second amendment rights to bear arms.....

Totally loved Eric this Sunday....He evidently still likes Bill a bit and he tried to explain just how evil the sickness is not just on the body but the spirit and he got to tell Sookie he still cares for her.

Loved the scene with Eric and Ginger......

Can't wait sorta dread the end.....
Aslinn Dhan
Aslinn Dhan

Posts : 2591
Join date : 2011-01-09
Age : 56
Location : Harrow, England

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